Dr. 特里萨·阿特金森 collaborates with a gradutate student in 正规的赌博apps Crash Safety Lab

Thanks to the investment by the Ben F. 布莱恩基金会, Kettering's Crash Safety Center can continue to provide students with hands-on crash testing experiences.”

Dr. 特里萨·阿特金森, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

正规的赌博app Receives $75,000 Grant from Ben F. 布莱恩基金会 for Crash Safety Center Enhancement

正规的赌博app has announced a generous $75,000 grant from the Ben F. 布莱恩基金会 to upgrade its renowned Crash Safety Center (CSC). The grant will fund advanced data acquisition software, enhancing the center's capability to research vehicle safety.

Dr. 特里萨·阿特金森, an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Kettering, emphasized the importance of the grant. "Thanks to the investment by the Ben F. 布莱恩基金会, Kettering's Crash Safety Center can continue to provide students with hands-on crash testing experiences,阿特金森解释道. “Our students learn how to set up crash dummies and access injury risk metrics, producing innovative graduates who bring a deeper understanding of safety to the world of mobility."

CSC是美国唯一的.S. facility that allows undergraduate students to conduct crash tests as part of their coursework. The updates will include miniDAU by Kistler, a sophisticated onboard data acquisition system that ensures robust data capture that is critical for advancing safety research.

杰克·加迪斯(1924年, 机械工程), a senior mechanical engineering student working with Lear Corporation, has firsthand experience with the CSC. "In automotive seating, safety is always the number one priority,” Gaddis explained. “Having a complete understanding of all the measures that can be taken to ensure occupant safety is an invaluable experience to have for product design. The theory I learn in this class, 即使是作为本科生, I directly apply to my work in automotive safety."

The need for such updates has become increasingly urgent as automotive transportation evolves. Introducing novel seating configurations in autonomous vehicles, such as "Living Room Style," poses new safety challenges, particularly concerning child car seat usage. 根据疾控中心, road traffic crashes remain a leading cause of death in the United States for people ages 1–54, underlining the ongoing necessity for improved automotive safety measures.

Robert Hurand, Co-Trustee of the Ben F. 布莱恩基金会, highlighted the personal connection that motivated the grant. "Dr. Bryer was initially drawn to engineering but switched to medicine after a personal tragedy involving his mother’s early death due to a misdiagnosis,胡兰德解释道. "The Crash Safety Center's integration of engineering and health directly reflects his interdisciplinary approach to saving lives. We are honored to support this initiative, which closely aligns with his vision."

这项拨款是为了表彰. Bryer’s legacy and ensures that 正规的赌博app continues to provide a practical education that aligns closely with industry needs and societal benefits.